Sunday, December 5, 2010

Line of the Day...

I was reading for a fairly regular client today.  She is a wonderful person. She's highly educated. She's kind and giving. She also has one of the most negative attitudes I have ever encountered when it comes to her love life / romance. She sets up land mines for herself left and right.  She is a really good example to me.  Every time I read her, I am shown in yet another way how fear can prevent us from having so much good in our lives and relationships.  Today she was in a particularly argumentative mood.  I would answer her questions honestly and she would come back at me with some fear based reason why she thought that what I was saying was wrong. This went on and on and on and on and on .... so I finally said:
"You know you're arguing with everything I say today."  She responded with, "I am not!"

I love my job!  I love my clients!  I am thankful for the lessons that I learn while doing my job on a daily basis.

Gratitude Time

It's a cloudy, chilly Sunday morning in my world.  Everyone is healthy in my house and I'm feeling good about this day.  We are having a fish fry later to celebrate the birth of one of my children.  I love other people's birthdays!!!  So I have quite a bit to be thankful for today.  Here goes:

  1. Birthday celebrations

  2. Perfect health

  3. Cloudy days

  4. Warm slippers

  5. Catfish

Your turn !!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Gratitude time!!

It's Gratitude Time !!!!!

  1. Sunshine

  2. My perfect health

  3. That my male cat is better today and has been playing hide and seek with me...I missed playing with him while he was sick!

  4. Directv

  5. My human senses

Your turn!!

My Dad....

Today is my Dad's birthday.  Today is also the day that my Dad chose to leave this planet and go back to the Otherside.  I had to laugh that he waited one full hour  .... he was in the Eastern Time Zone of the USA at the time of his death.  He waited until 1:08 AM EST.  He wanted to make sure it was his birthday in Central Time too as that was the time zone where we grew up as children.  That is SOOO Daddy.

Yes, I can talk to people on the Otherside.  Yes, I can hear my Dad.  Yes, we have lots of conversations and he makes lots of cracks while I'm in conversations with other people.  It still is not easy knowing that his BODY is no longer on this planet.  He's still Daddy.  I still smell cigars and he still has his very wry sense of humor.  I miss the human being that was my Daddy on this earth.  I miss being able to hug him and smell his aftershave in my nostrils and sit with him and laugh with him. I am VERY grateful that I can still experience him in spirit form!!!!

The dead are always around us.  You hear them in the form of your own thoughts. You catch smells or sounds that make your mind instantly go to someone who has passed over.  You know that's them orchestrating all that, right?  I have a TON of "ghost" stories.  I bet you do too !!  I would love to hear some of your tales. Please share !!  I'll go first.

My adoptive mother died in 1978. We buried her on a Friday and on Saturday morning, I woke up and smelled bacon.  I heard Mom singing and pots and pans banging in the kitchen just like every morning.  She was cooking us breakfast.  I got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth and ran down the stairs. The whole time I was getting ready, I heard Mom.  I could smell the food.  I heard her singing and humming and heard the pots and pans the ENTIRE time. As I came around the foyer, I noticed the kitchen door was closed which was odd.  We never closed the kitchen door.  As soon as my hand landed on the doorknob and started to open the door, everything stopped.  When the door opened, there was the empty kitchen and I remember we buried Mom the day before.

Ok - your turn!  :)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Silence.... fin.

I like to talk. A lot.  I like people to talk to me and I like to talk to them.  I like sounds. I talk to my cats, myself, the animals outside, people around me ..... I just like to talk.   So -- my vow of silence is OVER!!!  It was a success.  I didn't talk for a while.  I saw how much needless stuff I say / post.  I learned I love to talk to beings around me.  I am GRATEFUL for the ability to immensely grateful for that!

When I called my cousin to talk to her, she said, "I'm surprised you lasted as long as you did!"  I guess that means the people around me KNOW I like to talk.  Chuckle.

I'm glad I did it.  I doubt I'll do it again.  I would recommend it.  So TALK to me !!!!  What did I miss in YOUR world ?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Silence 1.0

I just read a Tweet posted by @KenNg that says:
"Before you speak...ask yourself:  is it kind, is it necessary, is it TRUE, does it improve on the silence?" ~ Sai Baba

It's "funny" (odd funny - not ha ha funny), but I'm seeing and hearing lots of things about SILENCE now.  This tweet is a really good example.  Today's "AH HA" was about how much unnecessary stuff I say, type, post, repost or spend energy thinking / talking about.  I did not post near as much as I would have today and I do not feel like I missed out on something or did not post something I wanted to or should have.

A really good blog by James Van Praagh (Poet and didn't know it)

This morning I was reading one of my favorite sites - Heal Your Life - and I came across a new blog by James Van Praagh.  Check it out RIGHT HERE and check out the whole Heal Your Life site as well while you're over there.  It's free and loaded with lots of goodies for the soul!!